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Blender straighten the rotation of any object
How to bend a cylinder evenly in Blender 2.6
Cylinders can be hard to work with if you try to shape them manually. In this tutorial we’ll show you how to use the simple deform modifier to create a perfectly smooth curved cylinder bend.
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How to attach something to a smooth stepper motor shaft
This quick video tutorial shows you one way of attaching other parts to a stepper motor shaft that is totally smooth and has no screw holes.
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Best way of blurring out sensitive footage in Premiere Pro CS6
Transfering bitcoins from a paper wallet to mtgox
How to create a safe Bitcoin paper wallet
How to find and replace content inside multiple files (dreamweaver)
Combine multi-channel audio in Premiere Pro CS6
Animating with shape keys in Blender 3D
Here’s a quick how-to on animating object meshes with shape keys: