In this basic WordPress tutorial you will learn how to change the name of your homepage inside the top navigation bar.
Blurring faces and other sensitive parts of a picture inside Google+
In this One Minute Video Tutorial we’ll show you how to make sensitive areas, like passwords or faces of people, unrecognizable in the images you upload to Google Plus. The method we use is not perfect and has only a few controls but it usually gets the job done pretty fast -and without leaving Google+ which should save us some time and effort.
Continue reading “Blurring faces and other sensitive parts of a picture inside Google+”
Transfering bitcoins from a paper wallet to mtgox
How to create a safe Bitcoin paper wallet
How to find and replace content inside multiple files (dreamweaver)
Install Google Analytics easily on a SMF (simple machines forum) message board
This video tutorial shows you a quick overview of installing the Google Analytics mod on a SMF board. The workflow was recorded (and tested) on a SMF 2.02 forum.
Continue reading “Install Google Analytics easily on a SMF (simple machines forum) message board”
Bulleted list line break indentation fix in Google Docs slideshow
How to quickly add jQuery to your web page
Too lazy to type? Copy my code below:
<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Click me to test
alert('jQuery is working');
Continue reading “How to quickly add jQuery to your web page”
How to easily create polls on the internet and vote on any subjects
How to easily create polls on the internet and vote on any subjects at
Whattaclick finding the yellow smiley
How to find the yellow smiley at