Finally, an insanely good pixel art AI

As a 2D game creator, I have been searching for an text-to-pixel art generator AI for a long time. It looks like we have finally arrived! Check out the results I got for the prompt

“a sprite sheet of several pixel art doors”!

Wow! Those are INSANELY good compared to previous pixel art generative AI’s!

So by now you must be dying to know which tool I used to generate those and how much it costs! Well I have good news for chatGPT users! I used Dalle-3, which you can now use for free with a chatGPT subscription! That’s right, since I already subscribe to chatGPT, I generated those awesome images for free!
This is getting really exciting for indie game developers everywhere!

CSS-only 3D fly-in animation

Have you ever wondered how to create a 3D-transition in which an element should fly past the camera onto the webpage? Here’s how you can do that using CSS-transforms:

See the effect in action here:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
            perspective: 300px; /* the smaller, the stronger sense of perspective (like short focal lenght) */
            min-height: 95vh;
            display: grid;
            grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
            grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
            text-align: center;


            grid-column: 2/3; /* Just for putting the h1 to center of grid */
            grid-row: 2/3; /* Just for putting the h1 to center of grid */
            transform: translate3d(800px, 200px, 1500px); /* Set the start position for the element */
            animation: myflyin 2s; /* Activate the animation called myflyin */
            animation-fill-mode: forwards; /* Keep the position from the last keyfframe */

        @keyframes myflyin { /* Define the keyframes */

            from {
                transform: translate3d(800px, 200px, 1500px); /* Starting position */

            to {
                transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); /* End position */

        <h1>FLY IN!</h1>


A tool for recoloring pixel art to a new color palette

I have been searching through the webs for a long time for a good, easy to use tool for recoloring pixel art to a specified color palette. The perfect tool should make it easy and fast to test out different palettes for a provided bitmap image or a sprite sheet, but it should also make it possible to fine tune the color mappings and add new colors to the palette if needed.

This has provided to be a rather challenging task. Photoshop and other similar graphics programs do have the possibility to switch to indexed color which lets you force the image to a new color palette, but I find that workflow to be rather tedious and time consuming. Illustrator has the recolor artwork tool, but it works only with vector images.

Here are some of the tools that I did find:

Continue reading “A tool for recoloring pixel art to a new color palette”

Finally a sprite sheet recoloring process that works

I have been searching for a good workflow for testing out different color palettes for existing video game designs.

I have finally found a relatively pain free method of testing different color palettes and applying them to entire games. I will be making a video tutorial about this in the future, but before I get to that, I thought I would already explain the basics of the workflow.

Continue reading “Finally a sprite sheet recoloring process that works”