Deleting colors from a forced color palette in Photoshop

This is a very specific topic, but it was hard to find information about it online, so I’ll post my findings here.

If you want to force a certain color palette on your image in Photoshop you can choose

Image –> Mode –> Indexed Color.

A window will pop up where you can choose a palette. If you want to create your own palette in which you select all the colors, you can do this:

Set the palette to “custom”. A color table window will open. You can delete existing colors by ctrl-clicking on them. You can add more colors by clicking an empty color slot and picking a color for it.

Here’s a quick gif-like video of creating custom color tables (ACT-files) in Photoshop and saving them for later use:

How to draw freehand curves in Blender

Since 2.78 Blender has had the amazing capability to draw freehand curves. Here’s how you do it:

-Add a curve object (shift+ A –> curve –> bezier)
-Take it to edit mode and delete the default curve there
-Go to the “create” tab (in the left hand toolbar) and click “draw”
-You can now use your mouse to draw amazing freehand curves